Reality show as a source of finance for own project
If you have find title of this article, little bit overstated, then you have never had dreams, fantasy and desire to do something special. Whatever, what is seemingly impossible to fulfill, what is from land of impossible to fulfillment of dreams. Present world of global “mediumcracy” we can use as a source of fulfillment of impossible. It is because big fantasy itself or seemingly unreal dream is almost wrecked on need of money (yes, not just buying of Ferrari, but, as well, medical or space research is mainly about money). But in fact reality show, if it is make well and attractive for watchers, not only can make money, but in frame of all reality show can be fulfilled target and own dream too.
"I would like to do, what I like"
Every person would like to have own job of dreams. Not to do only what he likes, but to have a wage for that. But, not only in Physics, in real life the rule of conservation of energy works too. Non-professional said, always it has been working quid pro quo. About prize of success all kinds of celebrities (from real to media “fuckers”, who make promo only in gutter and of course gutter can have contents because of them) or really successful people, businessmen, artists, etc. Exactly, media interest and own self-presentation is a penalty for fulfillment of our dreams. Anyway: Secular glory = loos of private life.
Fly to universe (comeback to the Moon or flight Mars)
The Moon was conquered at the end of 70´s. In that time it was a dream. Humankind broke inaccessible distance to that time and the first astronaut came to the Moon´s surface, only one satellite of Earth. The flight to Moon was very expensive, nevertheless it was big success (and of course investments in progress of technology and engineering, which was used for the space way, brought profit later in implementation sold patents and application of patents in normal life). Even though preparations, flight itself, touch-down on Moon´s surface and final touch-down of Earth broadcast TV practically in real time. It was not reality show in artificial equipment, but real scientific progress. And it is going on. Would it be possible to use reality show to get finance or realization itself of was to Mars? Or comeback to the Moon, if we would speak about low-cost show?