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Prague policeman on the beat finds time for piano recital (This is Prague, baby! Youtube video)

15/12/2013 14:53

A policeman takes a musical break from his beat on Prague's streets by treating passers-by to a tune on a street piano
It is perhaps evidence of a more peaceful society that a policeman in Prague sat down to play a street piano whilst on duty, as his colleague watched.
A video, posted by YouTube user Katya Pushko shows the policemen, both wearing high-visibility jackets stationed at a piano on the pavement. One of the policemen plays a rendition of Yiruma's River Flows In You as his colleague stands listening.
The Czech capital is currently home to five street pianos, placed in public spaces by Ondřej Kobza, owner of Vršovice bar Café V lese and other venues.
His aim is to bring an element of surprise to commuters' journeys and to "revive and heal" public spaces through music.
Mr Kobza raised the money for the pianos through crowd-sourcing websites but is now receiving offers of free pianos. He hopes to have up to 30 installed around the city next summer.
“This is just the beginning. I’ve had people contacting me, offering to give me a piano for free. So I’m going to keep putting them around the city and hopefully inspire other people – for instance, some café could install their own piano, and so on. It’s a simple, easy instrument of communication. Every second person can play a song…It adds unexpectedness to people’s journey to work.”

Source: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/culturenews/10511597/Prague-policeman-on-the-beat-finds-time-for-piano-recital.html